Aikido philosophy and its therapeutic effects

As with other self-defense practices, Aikido is not only about learning physical movements to defeat an opponent, Aikido practitioners aim to rise spiritually as well. In this sense, instead of belittling the opponent, the athlete tries to understand him and learn something from him.
The philosophy of Aikido is partially based on Tolstoy’s theory of non-resistance against the evils of violence, since according to the teachings of Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido, the practitioner of this type of martial art does no harm to no one, but treats all people and the world with respect and love, avoiding conflict.
In this sense, the Aikido athlete does not fight against opponents nor is he aggressive. On the contrary, he has a higher level of development that does not require rage to attack. Through the art of Aikido, the practitioner must be agile and patient, maintaining a state of harmony and balance. This way, he can gain resistance without needing to deal any damage. As a result, the aggression disappears, no one is hurt, and harmony is restored, which becomes a victory for love, according to the teachings of Morihei Ueshiba.
Advantages of practicing Aikido
1. Help with problem solving
Aikido practitioners argue that the first thing you should do when faced with defamation or aggression is to protect your heart. This is because most people when they receive offensive comments or are in a confrontation get seriously upset, so they end up reacting impulsively and violently. As a solution, Aikido helps to remain calm and focus on problem solving, while protecting the heart from damage. In this way, it is possible to see everyday problems more objectively to solve them in the best way.
2. Encourage empathy
If you wonder what Aikido is, many define it as a martial art where there is no competition and there is no winner. This is due to the fact that during a combat one does not fight for power, but techniques are used to guide and move the opponent, while at the same time reducing violence. For this reason, when practicing Aikido, one does not think about competing with other people, on the contrary, the objective is to achieve the well-being of the opponent, since ultimately this will be our own well-being.
3. Flexibility in the body
Most Aikido techniques focus on smooth, flexed movements that strengthen the joints. Therefore, Aikido classes usually begin with a slow and pronounced stretch, which helps to increase flexibility and avoid tension in the body, mainly in the area of the shoulders and wrists, which can be very useful for treat bodily ailments.
4. Injury prevention
One of the concerns of parents when having their child learn self-defense methods is bumps and injuries. However, Aikido is a passive practice where collisions between combatants rarely occur, so knee pads (here you will find some options to choose from) or other types of protection are not usually used during classes. In this sense, among the main advantages of learning Aikido is the fact that it does not cause too many injuries, making it a martial art that can be practiced by older adults and children from 3 years of age.
Many of his movements are based on the throwing technique, which is similar to that of judo, but in the case of Aikido it is not about throwing the opponent with great force, but guiding him without any force. Thanks to this, it can be practiced by people with different physical abilities.
History of Aikido
The origins of Aikido as a martial art date back to the 16th century, when Japanese samurai used fighting techniques to defend themselves in full body combat. However, the aim of the samurai was to cause fractures, dislocations, strangulation and a large number of violent blows to defeat the opponent, which is totally contrary to the current peaceful philosophy of Aikido.
In opposition to violence, Aiki techniques were born, based on the control of the opponent’s body through flexions in the joints, avoiding serious physical damage. Most of the gestures used in Aikido come from this type of defense movements.
Aikido as self-defense was created by Morihei Ueshiba in the city of Tokyo in 1942. Ueshiba is known among practitioners as O’ Sensei or Grand Master. He was a pacifist who developed Aikido from his knowledge of Jujutsu, but with a philosophy of peace and love that gave martial arts a non-violent and even therapeutic perspective.
Due to the results of World War II, traditional Aikido and other martial arts were banned by US forces. However, in 1948, the Ministry of Education granted the Aikikai Foundation permission to restore its teachings and spread Aikido throughout the world.
Nowadays, martial arts such as Aikido are often more than hobbies or hobbies for their respective practitioners. In the case of Aikido, it is a very complex system in which a constructive mentality and attitude is forged in the face of everyday problems of any kind, teaching to be at peace with oneself and with the opponent. Therefore, it becomes a lifestyle that helps strengthen the body, mind and spirit.