Futsal pitch measurements

Futsal is currently a very widespread sports discipline throughout the world. However, many of us have doubts about how big a futsal field is, what the rules are and if it can be played with a traditional soccer ball.
Playing futsal is one of the favorite activities of many people, especially in small community tournaments . In fact, in big cities like Madrid or Barcelona there are public and private spaces that have been specifically set up to practice sport. However, when we play as an amateur, we tend to get carried away by passion and rarely give importance to the characteristics of the field, among other issues that can make our team win or lose, so it is good to know all the information about futsal.
Are futsal and futsal the same thing?
Although they are used as synonyms, it is good to mention some differences to understand why the measurements of a futsal field can be slightly different according to the institution in charge of creating the rules of the game , which can even affect the soccer positions Hall.
There are two entities that work in parallel. First of all, there is the World Futsal Association (WFA), which regulates everything related to futsal. On the other hand, the International Federation of Football Association (FIFA) is in charge of futsal. We can say that fundamentally it is the same sport, however, there are certain differences in the regulations of each institution.
The futsal pitch according to the AMF and FIFA
If we take into account the AMF regulations, the futsal pitch must measure at least 28 x 18 m and a maximum of 40 x 20 m. However, at international championships the minimum changes to 36 x 18 m. In this case, a completely rectangular and homogeneous surface made of asphalt, cement or wood is required for official matches, unlike traditional football that is played on grass. In addition, it is good to mention that the AMF allows outdoor courts, while roofed ones must have a minimum height of 5 m.
For its part, the FIFA futsal rules are very clear in stating that the field must measure a minimum of 25 x 16 m in local matches and 38 x 20 m in international matches. As for the maximum, it must be 42 x 25 m in all cases. In this sense, the surface is always smooth and can be made of rubber, wood or parquet.
However, we can say that the institutions coincide in many aspects. For example, if you are wondering how long a futsal game lasts, you should know that it is the same period of time as futsal, that is, 40 minutes divided into two 20-minute halves. As for the futsal ball, it is the same as the futsal ball, so it is prepared for indoor use and bounces less than a traditional soccer ball.
Specifications of the soccer field
If we take the FIFA futsal rules as a reference, the field has two goals or goals as in conventional soccer, which are positioned right in the center of each line for the futsal throw-in. In this sense, the surface incorporates two goal lines and two band lines, to form a rectangle. As for the half futsal field, it incorporates a circumference of 3 m in diameter.
The dimensions of the futsal field include a penalty area of 6 m from the goal line. This is a well-defined area where the goalkeeper can use his hands to stop the ball . In addition, there is a double penalty that is marked 10 meters from the goal line and is one of the main parts of a futsal field. It is worth mentioning that in this discipline the main penalty is used in fouls that occur within the area, while the double penalty corresponds to fouls made after the fifth accumulated foul, so they are shots without a barrier.
Regarding the goal, if we review a drawing of the futsal field we can see that it is above the goal line. In this case, the crossbar and posts can be made of metal or wood and are round, square or rectangular in shape. However, it is important that the goal is well anchored to the ground of the field, since in the event of a crash it could cause it to tip over. Also, meshes are included behind the goal lines to catch the balls, these nets must not be tense to avoid rebounds and must reach the ground for greater effectiveness.
Also, on indoor pitches, it is necessary to pay attention to lighting, which must be at least 1,200 lux, which guarantees a clear vision for futsal players. However, if it is a televised game, it should be at least 1700 lux, since the cameras require a little more light.
Brief history of futsal
Indoor or indoor soccer emerged in Uruguay in the 1930s, when Professor Juan Carlos Ceriani, who was a member of the Young Christian Association, decided to create a version of soccer that could be played in small spaces, because there were many people interested in practicing the sport, but there were not enough courts to accommodate everyone. Thus, he created the first futsal regulations, where he combined some basketball rules with those of water polo and handball.
The history of futsal is also that of an eternal institutional rivalry between the AMF and FIFA in their quest to have total control over the sport. The first official entity was created in 1965 under the name of the Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol de Salón (CSFS), an institution that brought together teams from South American countries. In this way, in 1971 the CSFS itself founded the International Futsal Federation (FIFUSA), which had the objective of governing the destinies of indoor soccer throughout the world, being the sponsor of the first World Cup of this sport in 1982.
But FIFA wanted to have all the power over indoor soccer, so it tried to absorb FIFUSA. For its part, the latter entity did not agree to cede its rights, so FIFA exerted pressure in different ways to prevent FIFUSA from using the word soccer in its sport. In this sense, they decided to call it futsal, in order to avoid the constant demands of FIFA. This conflict lasted a long time, until in 2002 the World Futsal Association was created, which works parallel to FIFA. Thus, each entity organizes its own international tournaments. In fact, in many countries there is a presence of both types: futsal and futsal. However, FIFA has insisted on their rivalry, also using the word futsal for their sporting events.