All About The Sims 4 Professions

In The Sims 4 you can be the professional you have always wanted, as there are different options within the game. For example, you can make your sim become a lawyer, astronaut, writer, comedian, fisherman, musician, etc. Of course, each profession has its respective salaries and bonuses, so choose the one that suits you.
We don’t always want our sim to have a job, so having a profession and choosing an hourly job is always optional. The bad thing about not choosing a profession or formal employment is that when the other sims ask about it, they will know that you are unemployed. However, before starting to mention the professions and their respective salaries, we inform you that you can register with the Ministry of Labor.
In this way, you can give your sim the profession you want , for example, internationally famous singer. Thus, when the other sims ask about your work, it will appear that your character is an internationally famous singer. That is, he will not remain as a simple unemployed before others. Next, we start talking about some outstanding professions, but not necessarily better or worse, we will simply mention several of the most common.
Featured The Sims 4 Professions
We know that there are more common professions than others, so here we leave you a summary with those that we believe are outstanding at a general level. Maybe one of them you like to prepare your sim professionally.
- Lawyer
This profession is part of an expansion called “University Days”. In it, your sim must help others with their legal problems, helping to maintain order in the town. Although you can also unleash public disorder if you wish. The salary is from 15 to 425 simoleons per hour, so it’s not bad for a life of luxury if necessary.
- Engineer
The engineer can make technological advances in terms of mechanics or computing. Also, you should know that in this profession your sim will have one of the best salaries , especially if he becomes a “Master of machines”, earning 375 simoleons per hour.
- Doctor
To be a doctor in The Sims 5 you must have the Get to Work! expansion installed. In this way, you can send your sim to work alone or accompanied , in case you want to see him doing various tasks related to medicine. The salary of this profession varies between 18 to 280 simoleons per hour, depending on the position that your sim has.
- Scientific
If you turn your sim into a scientist you can accompany him to do his tasks in the laboratory, something that is quite striking for many users. Also, it should be noted that the salary of a scientific sim is from 24 to 247 simoleons per hour.
- Military
This profession belongs to The Sims 4 Strangerville pack and you can earn from 24 to 422 simoleons, depending on the branch you choose and the level. The last rank in the Officer career is Grand Marshal and your daily task will be recruiting sims.
- Gardener
Gardener is part of the “And the Four Seasons” expansion. If you choose this profession, you will have to plant and perform various gardening tasks, either from home or on the way to work, as a common job. The salary varies between 22 and 420 simoleons per hour.
- Educator
In the education profession you can work your way up to Rector, whose salary is 325 simoleons per hour. However, you can also be a Master Educator and earn 265 simoleons per hour. There are even other interesting options that could be very useful for people who love the world of education.
- Veterinary
Although this profession is not defined as such in the game, you can always be a successful vet. You can even found a veterinary clinic through the “Dogs and cats” pack. If you like pets, you will love this profession.
How to be a secret agent in Sims 4?
In Sims 4 being a secret agent is possible to get money with a very important profession for society. Later, when your sim is level 7, they can choose one of the branches, “Villain” or “Diamond Agent” .
It should be noted that through this profession your sim will have to learn to conduct interrogations, infiltrate enemy operating bases and other things. The better you master the job, the less known you will be to other sims. The levels in this profession are varied, agency receptionist, agent supervisor, information analyst, field agent, etc. The last level is the secret agent and has a salary of 87 simoleons per hour. Also, your sim will get a bonus of 936 simoleons on this level. As you can see, in this PC game you can do almost anything you want.
Sims 4 tips and tricks for professions
One of the things players want most is to get promoted in the Sims 4 job, but this is something that requires some advice to achieve. First of all, you need to choose a profession for your sim. Then, fulfill the necessary tasks in the best possible way, so that you can rise in the Sims 4 professions. By this we mean a promotion in Sims 4. That is, you can start as a Substitute Teacher until you become a Master Teacher.
Finally, we advise you to choose a profession in which you feel fulfilled, above all, that you are passionate about. In this way, you will not have problems fulfilling each task of your profession and you will level up more easily. Do not choose the profession for your sim that offers the most money, unless you really like it.