How to delete a PS4 account?

PlayStation 4 works similarly to a computer, with its own operating system that requires users to have a user account. This operating system is based on a FreeBSD system, which allows you to create several user accounts to share games and have storage space.
Today it is common to have a console at home shared with several people, each one has their own account and in it, they have their games, games and downloaded content. However, when one of these users stops using the console and we want to delete the PS4 account, we don’t know how to do it.
Luckily, PlayStation consoles offer a simple system to close an account and delete all its content, with which we can free up space on the console’s hard drive.
How to delete a PS4 user
To delete a user from PS4, the first thing you need to do is sign in to PS4 with a primary account. The main accounts have more options than the secondary ones and these are the ones that “configure” the rest, from them you can manage the entire console environment and the secondary user profiles.
To delete PS4 accounts you will have to access your main user account and, from there, enter the Settings menu that is available by pressing the L3 button, that is, by pressing the left joystick down. When you open this menu you will have to scroll through it until you find the Users section, where the “Delete User” section is located. At this point you must select the user account you want to delete and, once you have marked the one you are interested in, press the X button and confirm that you want to delete the user.
Once you have done all this, some instructions will appear on the screen that you will have to follow. The process will be guided at all times by the system, so it is very simple.
In this sense, if the main account is deleted, the console will be factory reset and all the data stored in the user account will be lost. If you are going to delete this account, we recommend that you make a backup of your system before doing so, by accessing Settings and, within the Application Saved Data Management and Saved Data in System Storage section, you should access USB Storage to create a physical copy or to Cloud, to create a backup in the cloud.
On the other hand, deleting a user account deletes all the data associated with it. In this sense, the games, the screenshots, the licenses of the games, the applications and any downloaded content will also be deleted . In this sense, if game licenses and applications are shared with another user, they will not be deleted.
family administration
Another way to delete a PS4 user account you can access the Settings menu and, once there, access the Parental Control or Family Management section. To access this section you will have to log in with your main PSN account, since this account will be the one that will carry out the parental control configuration.
First of all, you will have to activate the Parental Control option if you do not already have it activated. Once activated, from this section you can create different profiles for adults or minors, according to your needs and those of your family. The steps to create these accounts are very simple:
- Access Family Management from the menu that appears on the left.
- This section shows all the “family” accounts that have been created.
- From here, select the account you want and click on it. When you open it, options will appear to control spending, as well as content blocking options, depending on the type of PS4 account you will have different options.
- To delete the account, just open the desired profile and select the option “Delete user profile”.
Restore factory settings on PlayStation 4
To restore the factory console, from the main PS account go to Settings and go to the section called Initialization. From there, choose the “Complete” option to start the “initializer” with all the possibilities of the program. In this way, all the information stored on the console will be deleted, both the accounts and the contents and also the games stored on the hard drive.
This method is the most indicated when the console is sold, since the accounts and therefore all the information of the users will be deleted. Once the restoration process is complete, the console will start up like the first time and it will be necessary to create a new main account to be able to use the PlayStation 4 normally.
How to delete a PSN account on PlayStation 4
To delete the PlayStation Network account you will have to follow the following steps:
- Turn on the console.
- Log in and access the “Settings” section
- Go to Account Management or the PSN app.
- Select the Activate as your primary PS4 option.
- Go to the Settings section.
- Choose the Deactivate option and accept.
In this way you unlink the PSN account from your console, with which you can now delete it. For this you will have to contact the PSN customer service. In this sense, the PS4 customer service telephone number in Spain is 911 147 422 and is available from Monday to Friday from 09:30 to 19:30. In addition, you will need to have the login ID and email address linked to your PSN account to hand.
By deleting your PSN account you will no longer be able to use the Account ID , so you will no longer have access to content you have purchased on the account, or transfer it to another account. You will also lose access to subscriptions and benefits associated with PSN, so you will not be able to request refunds or returns, unless otherwise stated in the PlayStation Store Cancellation Policy.