
Turn your mobile into a WiFi amplifier easily

When it comes to expanding our WiFi network we have several options at our disposal. The most common is to have a traditional WiFi amplifier, either with a conventional format or with modern PLC technology, which allows us to access a higher quality network and increase coverage in those areas where it is not the most efficient. adequate.

However, there are other alternatives to make this improvement to our WiFi network without having to buy one of these devices. One of the best known solutions is to recycle an old router that we have at home and turn it into an amplifier through a parallel connection. However, today we are going to see another alternative, for which we are only going to need a smartphone.

Best of all, this system is not as aggressive as the one required by some applications, which require root access to access this function. Therefore, you will not have to start with a complex process such as rooting the terminal to access these functions. Let’s know what is the procedure that we must follow to turn our mobile into an efficient WiFi amplifier or repeater.

NetShare no root tethering

To enjoy these connections, you must use a specific app for this purpose. Within the applications that we can use to create this special connection, we are going to start with NetShare no root tethering. A free app but with a limitation, which establishes a certain limit regarding the amount of data that we can move each day. However, if we do not have great demands, it can always be useful to us. Not to mention that we can always pay for it, if we are interested.

So, we will start the process by downloading the application on our mobile, in this case Android, and running it. At the moment we will have before us the interface of the application, from which we are going to proceed to configure the different options. A process that will only be necessary in case the general procedure fails. And it is that in most cases it is enough to click on the Star WiFi Hotspot button so that we can connect from any mobile device compatible with Android. Of course, this device must also have the corresponding application installed.

The problem arises when trying to access the point from Windows or other different platforms. In this case, we do not have an app to use to proceed with the connection, but the process must be completed manually. In the case of Windows, for example, we will have to access the Network Configuration settings, directly from the icon located in the clock area or from the control panel, as we prefer.

Next, we will need to configure the connection using a proxy server. The data corresponding to the IP address and the connection port of that proxy are given by the app, so we only have to access it to know them. Once the data is indicated, it is enough to save this configuration and start using the device. As for the rest of the operating systems, the process is identical to the one we have mentioned, only that the place where we have to indicate the proxy server that we want to use and the corresponding configuration process will change.


If this process is too complex for you or simply a system that is responsible for replicating the connection signal directly in a parallel mode, similar to what you can get from a conventional router, is enough for you, you can turn to NetShare. This app is from the same developer as the one we mentioned earlier and it gives us a good ability to create a parallel connection to the original, thus having the possibility of amplifying it efficiently.

This app is not available in the Android Play Store, so we will have to search for it on a trusted site such as Aptoide. Once downloaded, we may have to authorize the installation of external apks in the Android options, as a previous step to its installation. Once the app is installed, we will find a simple screen that is easy to configure.

It’s as simple as all we have to do is click on the Share button and start sharing that connection right away. At this point, we only have to proceed to the connection of the network in the different devices, for which we only have to resort to the procedure that we have indicated before, taking note of both the IP address and the corresponding port.

Few options without rooting

In general, whenever we make a guide or an article of this style, we like to offer different options, so that you have more proposals to choose from. However, in this case we cannot offer you more than what we have mentioned. Mainly because there aren’t. Or at least we have not been able to find them, within the segment that does not require rooting the device.

The explanation is simple. We are talking about a mode of use that, within the versatility offered by the Android operating system, is not one of the most common for us to use the mobile. So the options to achieve the objective of amplifying the signal are not many either, so developers do not have much room to move in this regard.

So, if we want to have more options to amplify our signal, we have to necessarily go through the process of rooting our device. A process that, fortunately, is becoming easier and that any user with the appropriate knowledge can carry out. Although it is also true that rooting your mobile is equivalent to losing its guarantee, in case it is still preserved, without forgetting that a mistake during the process can turn the terminal into a beautiful paperweight.

So before we start looking for scripts in forums and other elements, it is worth thinking a couple of times if we are interested in covering this entire procedure or if we can settle for what the system offers us.

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