
What you need to know about OLED TV burn-in

Although they are considered high-quality equipment, OLED televisions are known by many users as models susceptible to permanent damage, which could range from damage to sectors or some pixels, to the complete burning of the television screen.


How terrible must be the experience of watching the final match of the Champion and, suddenly, your new television stops working. Although TVs with OLED screens are considered to provide higher quality and detail than models with LCD screens, it also happens that OLED TVs degrade faster over time. Because of this, it is important to know how long it takes for an OLED TV to burn out completely.

But what is an OLED screen burn-in?

A screen burn is understood as the phenomenon that occurs when a certain image remains permanently imprinted on the screen of our television, even if we change the channel, as we usually see sometimes with the channel logos. This usually happens when an image remains fixed for several hours, so when you change the channel, you will notice that the image will remain slightly on the screen.

On the other hand, OLED TV screen burn-in can happen in two different ways. First, there is image retention, which is completely temporary, so the image fades over time. Second, it is called total burn when the image is permanently imprinted on the screen of 4K TVs.

Let us remember that, at present, the 4K or UltraHD video format is considered as the new standard, surpassing the number of Full HD format televisions sold in the current market. But, regardless of your television model, if it is made with OLED technology, in addition to providing you with an indisputable superior image quality, you will run a latent risk that, over time, your screen will stop working properly.

However, it is also important to know the most relevant features and advantages offered by OLED televisions to determine whether or not they are the best 4K televisions (Here you can find some options to buy) of 2022 according to many users .

What are OLED TVs and how do they work?

Organic Light Emitting Diode televisions, known as OLEDs, are devices that use a technology that uses diodes composed of small molecules or polymers that manage to emit a certain amount of light on their own after being electrically stimulated, so It is known as a diode that has an electroluminescent layer composed of organic elements. As a result, greater variety and color density are achieved, as well as greater contrast. In addition, OLED technology is known in the media for providing absolute black, since when an OLED screen shows an image that has black, it will completely turn off those pixels.

As for the structure inside a television with OLED technology, this is quite different from that used by LED or LCD televisions. The diodes that incorporate OLED televisions are constituted by the conjunction of two materials that have different properties, in addition to functioning as semiconductors. What is achieved is an element that manages to conduct electricity in one direction by being directly influenced by some electrical impulse, lighting up at that moment and staying off the rest of the time when it is not affected by this impulse.

The semiconductor materials that make up the diodes are of organic origin, in addition to having a cathode at one end and an anode at the other. Between the cathode and the anode can be found a minimum of two layers referring to semiconductors. However, there are manufacturers who prefer to add three layers of semiconductors in order to improve energy efficiency.

As for the types of OLED screen, you can find various such as transparent OLEDs. This type of OLED is made up of a substrate, an anode, and a cathode. In addition to this model, there are emitting OLEDs, which have a reflective or opaque substrate. There are also the recent foldable OLED models and finally there are the white OLEDs which is the technology used by LG.

It is important to remember that, by using different organic and thin layers, these types of OLED screens are noticeably less thick than those of LED or LCD televisions. They are also considerably brighter and do not need any type of glass for protection. In addition, being screens that independently generate their own light, they are electrical equipment that consume a lower level of energy.

However, just as OLED TVs provide a host of benefits, it’s important to know that they degrade quickly compared to LED or LCD TVs. For this reason, it is necessary to know if there is any way to avoid the burn-in of OLED screens.

Is there a way to fix a burned OLED screen?

Actually, if you get a burn on your OLED screen, you will no longer be able to remove it completely, therefore, it is best to take care that the screen does not suffer from a burn.

Both LG and Sony claim that the best way to avoid any image burn-in or sticking on your TV is to avoid having static images. It is recommended to lower the brightness of the screen, which will help you not to fix the image. Also, if you see a fixed image on the screen, it is best to wait for it to disappear on its own by turning off the television for a while.

Finally, to eliminate image fixation, some models incorporate a special function that seeks to minimize wear, such as screen protectors. If after turning on the television you continue to see the recorded image, the ideal would be to take the equipment to a technician.

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