food for guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are adorable rodents that have won the hearts of many people, which is why they have become the favorite pet of children and adults. However, these small animals need a special diet, so that their fur and health are kept in optimal condition.
Guinea pigs exist in different regions of the world. Being able to meet a great variety and types: guinea pigs with short hair, long hair, curly hair and those without hair. However, a species that stands out for its majesty are the Peruvian guinea pigs, since they have fur that can reach 40 cm in length.
One of the qualities that stands out in these friendly rodents is their affectionate and sociable character. For this reason, experts advise the owners of these pets to have at least two copies; so that they do not feel alone and can interact with each other.
Since these are animals with vegetarian eating habits, many wonder what guinea pigs can eat. For this reason, here are some suggestions for a balanced diet for your loving pet.
What is allowed and what is forbidden in your diet
The foods for guinea pigs that are essential are hay and water, both play an essential role in their physiological processes. Hay is a food that has fibers that help digestion and guinea pigs generally enjoy it; they usually chew it to help wear down their constantly growing teeth.
Likewise, given the importance of these surroundings being properly hydrated, they should not miss their water dispenser. However, if baby or adult guinea pigs tend to drink little water, this is not a cause for concern; since they are animals that can hydrate themselves with the liquid of fruits or vegetables.
Similarly, both guinea pig food and water should remain in the rodent’s habitat. For this reason, the cages for guinea pigs (here you can find some options to buy) have adequate spaces to place their food.
On the other hand, in the case of rodent animals, wood is an element that the guinea pig could easily chew. In this sense, it is important that the wood is not treated, with birch, willow, apple, orange and hazel branches being recommended. To cut small pieces that are manageable by the guinea pig, a Swiss army knife or a small saw could be used.
Citrus fruits such as tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, lemons and grapefruits are first on the list of prohibited foods for guinea pigs, which, although they have a high content of vitamin C, could cause stomach discomfort. Other foods that can be toxic to guinea pigs are: chocolate, tea leaves, tomato leaves, bamboo leaves, mushrooms, orchids and other types of plants.
Recommended fruits and vegetables
The best way to nourish guinea pigs is through a diet of vegetables and fruits.
In this sense, vitamin C is for guinea pigs a nutrient linked to primordial physiological processes, that is why their meals must have a high content of it.
Among the vegetables for guinea pigs with the highest content of vitamin C are green bell pepper, chard, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, tomatoes and other green leafy vegetables such as kale and parsley.
In addition, to complement the diet, especially the feeding of small guinea pigs, other vegetables such as cucumber, carrot, beet, corn, cabbage and pumpkin can be included. The lack of a balanced diet could cause health problems.
Similarly, fruits for guinea pigs are one of their favorite foods. However, eating them frequently can cause diarrhea; given the amount of water they contain. For this reason, it is recommended that the daily intake be limited to only two portions the size of their little ears, this will avoid digestive problems.
Here is a list of suggested fruits:
Some supplements and prizes for your pet
It is not always possible to get the minimum daily amount of vitamin C for the guinea pig, so a good option is to bet on a good supplement. These products are usually presented in a drop format and it is advisable not to mix them in your water container. Therefore, it is best to administer it directly into your mouth with a dropper and once a day.
Another way to supplement their diet is through cereal bars specially formulated for guinea pigs. The feed is also another option, since they like crunchy food; however, you must specify that it is prepared for these rodents, since hamster or rabbit does not have the nutrients that guinea pigs need.
Likewise, in pet stores you can get other complementary products for feeding guinea pigs such as prizes and treats, such as dehydrated fruit or a combination of nuts. It is important to consider that these treats are not food as such, so they should be provided occasionally and in moderation.
Similarly, guinea pigs love a piece of stale bread, especially the crust, as it helps wear down their teeth. However, given the wide variety of vegetables and fruits available to these animals, it is not advisable to make this food the basis of their diet.
It is important to remember that regardless of the food you are served, in order to maintain your good health and hygiene, all your food must always be clean and fresh. Likewise, vegetables or fruits should be served in controlled portions. If your portions and diet are planned, there will be no problems with this little furry friend being overweight.