The prehistory for children

Children are characterized by great curiosity, an aspect that we must take advantage of to encourage effective, useful and creative learning. Therefore, although prehistory is a somewhat complex subject of study, if we approach it in an easy way, they could learn in a fun way.
Prehistory is the period of time that goes back to the appearance of man on earth. At that time people did not know how to write and thousands of years had to pass for the first forms of written communication to emerge; so it culminates when the human being invents writing.
It is the longest stage in our history and although there are no data or documents to confirm its exact duration, a large number of scientists around the world have taken on the task of investigating this period of humanity and also clarifying questions like what is prehistory? when did prehistory begin And how did these first men live?
Prehistory and the little ones
The periods of prehistory are divided into three major stages that have been called the Paleolithic, the Neolithic and the age of metals.
Knowing these stages of prehistory could be a bit complicated for the little ones. Therefore, it could be told in a simple way so that children’s prehistory is fun, entertaining and the child better understands the past of humanity.
To do this, a recommended option is to use entertaining didactic material that, in addition to teaching them, also amuses them, such as prehistoric animals for children or prehistoric games such as the Lego Jurassic World set or some other toys suitable for this theme, which motivates them. to learn more about our past as inhabitants of the earth.
The Paleolithic, a time of learning
During the Paleolithic the first men lived outdoors or in caves. They were also people who moved from one place to another looking for food and a place to live. They hunted, fished and gathered fruits from the forest to feed their family; without having a fixed home.
These early humans learned to make and carve stone and wood tools such as arrowheads, knives, and harpoons; in order to defend themselves against animals and also to improve their hunting techniques.
The Paleolithic for children could be a stage of great interest, since it was a time of great advances. It was at the end of this period when primitive men began to carry out artistic manifestations, painting representative images of their hunting episodes on the walls of the caves; which are known today as cave paintings.
Likewise, at the end of the Paleolithic stages, an event took place that marked and turned humanity around: the discovery of fire. Thanks to this momentous and important event in the lives of these early men, they were now able to cook their food and protect themselves at night.
The Neolithic, a period of growth
To facilitate the understanding of this period, the Neolithic for children could be represented as a stage where many important inventions took place, such as the manufacture of ceramic objects that made their lives easier in many ways. In addition, the invention of knitting with animal wool took place.
The Neolithic was also characterized as a period where agriculture and livestock were born, since men began to cultivate and domesticate some animals. For this reason, they stop being nomads and settle in villages to be close to their crops and animals.
It is a period of great advances in the manufacture of weapons. To do this, although they did not have sophisticated tools such as shears to cut bones, they learned to polish and sculpt the stones. Likewise, with the passage of time barter originated, a transcendental event that gave rise to trade.
The age of metals, a step in evolution
At this time in history, primitive men began to work and make metal objects. First they used copper, then bronze and iron; with what they came to make tools, jewelry, cooking objects and more. They melted the metals down to a liquid state, put them in a mold to solidify in the expected shape and thickness, and then made the tools they needed.
The invention of the wheel, which was originally used by potters, also took place at this stage. But later, it was discovered that it could be used to make cars, transport goods and people; which was a milestone in human history and one of the inventions of the metal age that marked a before and after in the men and women who inhabited the world.
The experts who have helped clarify prehistory
Many experts have investigated prehistory. However, the professionals who stand out in the field are paleontologists; who collect and analyze fossil remains of humans and animals that left a mark of their passage through the earth.
It is the paleontologists who have been in charge of providing determining data to know how these first inhabitants lived in the Neolithic and how they lived in the Paleolithic; as well as aspects that lead us to know about how they lived in the metal age, what their diet was like and what their habits were.
Other professionals who have shed light on this long period of history are archaeologists; people in charge of locating and studying remains of materials and objects that the first men had manufactured throughout their evolution.
On the other hand, geologists have also facilitated the understanding of prehistory, since they classify the materials that make up the planet and determine to what age they belong.
Prehistory continues to be the longest stage of humanity, being calculated at 5 million years until the moment when writing emerged. It is a period that continues to excite adults and children eager for knowledge.