Contract of sale of a vehicle

At some point, we all find ourselves in the need to sell or buy a used car. Whether as a buyer or as a seller, it is very important to have a good car sales contract, since it will be this document that legalizes the process. Although it may seem complicated, it is actually quite simple and there are many models.
The purpose of a car purchase contract is for both parties to complete their data and sign a document that makes it clear what the conditions under which the sale or purchase of a vehicle is carried out are. All the clauses must appear in this document, as clear and detailed as possible, in which all the aspects related to the vehicle for sale are indicated, in this way unpleasant surprises are avoided and, at the same time, the responsibilities of each are well defined. part in the process.
This contract for the sale of vehicles can be drafted by either of the two parties freely. You can also hire the services of a lawyer for this if you prefer to avoid problems. Be that as it may, both parties should be able to include any clause they deem necessary. In addition, there are many such contract templates and templates that you can download and use to your heart’s content. Of course, despite being an open contract, some details can never be missing, such as the ID of both parties, their full names, as well as the complete data of the vehicle for sale and the signatures of the buyer and seller on all the pages of the document..
What information must be included in a DGT sales contract?
In this sense, “the more the better”. In other words, the more detailed the vehicle purchase document is, the better, since you will avoid possible problems. These documents, like any process in which a sale of a certain volume is made, it is best to tie the exchange as much as possible , so that you avoid problems and claims in the future.
Among the data that must be included in this document, the following cannot be missing:
- Name and surname of both parties.
- ID of buyer and seller.
- Signature of both parties on all pages of the purchase and sale contract.
- A detailed and complete description of the vehicle and its condition at the time of sale. This description must provide details about: brand, if it has a car radio or not, the model and version of the car, finishes, type of engine and displacement, as well as extras.
- Official vehicle data such as license plate, chassis number and mileage. You will find these data in the technical file of the vehicle together with its explanation.
- It is also necessary to detail the state in which the vehicle is located. In this section, it is best to be as specific as possible, so that any damage, no matter how small, is correctly noted.
- Price of the vehicle and form of payment.
Some vehicle data, such as extras or finishes, can be somewhat difficult to recognize. However, all the information on these sections appears in the official documentation of the vehicle. In any case, this information is secondary, so it is not necessary for it to be reflected in a contract for the sale of used vehicles between individuals.
In this sense, the document must reflect only those data necessary for both parties to fully understand what they are buying. In other words, if an individual puts a car with 150 hp up for sale, that is what the buyer will receive.
It is for this reason that, if the car has any damage, both aesthetic and mechanical, it must be reflected. In this sense, it is very important to avoid future claims that this point is reflected as clearly as possible. Many times, what is done is to take the car to a mechanic before the formalization of the contract, so that a review is carried out and any problem is certified .
Finally, you must always make two copies of the contract, so that each party keeps one.
How to formalize a contract for the sale of second-hand vehicles
In this sense, the steps may change depending on whether the sale is made between two individuals, between two professionals or between a professional and an individual. However, the general steps will be as follows:
Between individuals
- The first step is to sign the two copies of the contract. The document is binding from the moment it is signed, so it must contain both the date and the time of signing.
- The buyer must provide a copy of the DNI to the seller.
- Finally, the buyer will have a period of 15 days to provide a copy of his driving license to the seller. If at the end of this period, the buyer has not provided a copy of his driving license, the seller will have the obligation to notify the Traffic Headquarters that the vehicle no longer belongs to him. To do this, he must fill out the “Sale notification process” form.
Between individual and professional
- First, the buyer must receive an invoice for the sale, which must include the time and date of the transaction.
- The professional is also required to provide a copy of the CIF to the seller or buyer.
How to avoid scams in the sale
A sales contract prevents scams and scams, however, many people fall victim to scam networks that fraudulently buy or sell vehicles, which can end up causing very serious problems.
To avoid problems of this type, you must first ensure that the vehicle has not been stolen, nor is it subject to seizure or has any pending charge. Similarly, you should check your documentation and make sure it is official and up to date. It is also advisable to review the data, especially the telephone number and the address, to make sure that it is not false.
Finally, do not trust a simple proof of payment . The money will not be in your account until your bank informs you, so the payment will not be valid until then.