How to prepare for a half marathon?

Being fit can become a way of life for many and half marathons can be a good way to challenge yourself. This physical resistance test is becoming more and more popular, so it is advisable to know what are the most useful tips to be able to complete it successfully.
What is a half marathon?
A marathon is a race that includes a distance of 42,195 meters, so the distance of the half marathon is exactly half, that is, 21,097 meters.
These metrics originate based on the belief that in the year 490 BC the Greek soldier named Pheidippides would have died of fatigue after having traveled the distance of 42,195 meters, from the city of Marathon to Athens, to announce the victory of the Greek army. about the Persians. However, although the data is wrong, the distance has remained in tradition and the 42K marathon has been part of the Olympic Games since 1896.
The half marathon, although it is not part of the Olympic Games, has been practiced for several decades and in various parts of the world, being a more plausible option considering the distance of the marathon for amateurs and beginners in long distance races. distance.
How do I prepare for a half marathon?
Preparing the body to run a half marathon requires a certain level of commitment and dedication, since, if you are not in good physical condition, not only will you not be able to finish the race; you could end up injured and this has consequences that can vary in severity.
With that in mind, here are the main approaches you should pay attention to in order to prepare for a half marathon from scratch and learn how to take care of your body before, during and after a half marathon:
1. Balanced diet
One aspect that you should take into consideration is your physical condition. The extra weight can become a hindrance to mobility, plus you’ll need more energy to move.
Solving this situation can be expedited if you alter your diet with foods rich in protein and free of carbohydrates. In addition, you can complement your diet with protein drinks that contain the best L-Carnitine; an amino acid of animal origin capable of burning fat cells.
With an improvement in the quality of your food and drinks, as well as eating at the same time every day, you will be able to digest well and take better advantage of the nutrients your body needs for training and running.
2. Stretching and joints
The time for a half marathon can be between 1 hour and 1 hour and a half, depending on the capacity of the participant, given that the average running speed of an adult is 15 km/h. Because of this, it is very important to stick to the Beginner Half Marathon Training Plan as it contains helpful tips for stretching and joint preparation.
A physical test of this duration can take the body to its limits and if there is no adequate preparation, injuries can be generated that cause greater damage later.
Because of this, many users advise following a 10K run training first to get your body used to the stress on your joints, which will ultimately increase your endurance and comfort during tests.
3. Strengthening muscles
Muscle care goes hand in hand with diet and exercise. Some might consider this type of training for a mountain half-marathon, but the truth is that the muscles are vital for you to successfully complete any race.
In this sense, it is convenient to consider training methods that include all kinds of push-ups to work different areas of the body. For example, routines with plank push-ups can provide greater resistance in the legs and the chest ones will help you with the abdominal muscles.
In general terms, it can be indicated that any exercise designed to strengthen the muscles will be well used during the physical demands of the half marathon.
4. Body adaptation
The adaptation of the body to prepare for a half marathon is one of the most extensive lines, since aspects are covered to exercise muscles in areas as different as the chest and legs.
At the same time and considering that many users ask how many days to run a week, you should know that experts recommend starting with a series of 3 runs a week that last between 30 and 45 minutes, with the goal of increasing, either the time traveled or the speed.
Because of this, if your physical condition is not the most adequate, you may have to start preparing for a marathon in 6 months, thus giving yourself more time to increase the resistance and capacity of your body. Also, to control your physical condition, a good alternative is to have an activity bracelet or a heart monitor.
This advice is based both on the interest that you succeed and finish the race, and on taking care of the integrity of each participant in any half marathon that is held in the world.
Conclusions and recommendations
As indicated, practically anyone can participate in this physical test, although youth or good health does not exempt them from the training plan for a half marathon.
Likewise, you must bear in mind that success in the race depends a lot on the previous preparation, together with the training plan to run the 21 km that the test consists of, so you cannot only focus on the day of the race, If not, you must train and prepare in advance.
On the other hand, but continuing with the same approach, if you have previous racing experience, you could prepare for a half marathon in 3 months, keeping in mind that this time is considered enough to obtain good results. However, do not neglect any aspect of your health and always make sure you eat on time and with the food your body needs.