Swimming pool training plans

Swimming is a sport that requires coordination, concentration and endurance to move through the water. In fact, it is necessary that the person has a good physical condition, since he must stroke and kick simultaneously for long periods of time when submerged. Therefore, it requires specific training plans.
To perform well in disciplines such as swimming, it is necessary to have a pool training plan, which allows the athlete to acquire a higher level of performance and, in turn, new swimming techniques.
Said planning is convenient from the initial stage of swimming training, so that the swimmer experiences physical and mental growth with respect to the sport, until reaching the competition stage, where the preparation is characterized by being more rigorous, with the purpose to achieve maximum development of their abilities.
It all starts with a basic or accumulation training, followed by a specific or transformation exercise, and a competitive preparation, also called realization.
In the first level, a training plan for resistance, strength, technique management and correction of common mistakes when swimming is put into practice. In the second stage, the intensity is increased for a significant improvement in endurance. Also, following the guidelines of basic swimming techniques , emphasis is placed on speed and strength.
For its part, in the third phase of training everything is focused on the competition, so emphasis is placed on the tactics associated with each technique, and the resistance to fatigue generated after an exhaustive swimming routine. It is important to keep in mind that, with these planning groups, efficiency is achieved in the pool exercise repertoires of the athlete.
Types of training for swimming
The first thing you should know is that there are swimming exercises focused on resistance, speed, power and technique. There are also mixed workouts, in which these aspects can be alternated, in order to provide the body with a varied routine. Below, we detail some types of training.
aerobic endurance training
Aerobic resistance is of great importance in swimming, since it prepares the athlete to undertake long-term tests in open water , triathlon, among other disciplines. The recommended workouts are scheduled for 1,500 and 5,000 meters, so it is possible to vary the work force according to the athlete.
For the 1,500 meters, which is a low-intensity distance , the warm-up period is made up of the 100-meter freestyle and the 100-meter technique. Then, the swimmer must perform six series of 50 meters with 15 seconds of rest, four series of 100 meters with intervals of 20 seconds of rest and two rounds of 200 meters, accompanied by 40 seconds of recovery. Finally, there is a smoothing stage of 200 meters.
For a long training of 5000 meters, it is indicated to warm up by running 250 free meters, 400 technical meters and, once again, 250 free meters. Immediately, the main part of the training begins, in which six series of 100 meters, four of 200 meters and one of 400 meters are carried out, taking recovery periods of 20, 30 and 40 seconds. This block should be done a couple of times, resting for five minutes, and then smoothing out with a 500-meter swim.
Training to acquire speed when swimming
With speed training, the swimmer is conditioning his body to make short efforts, but with a high level of explosiveness , which is a necessary condition for any type of competition.
We will start with a short distance of 1000 meters, for which the warm-up consists of a 75-meter freestyle, a 100-meter swim with the selected technique and a 75-meter freestyle. This is followed by a block of six sets of 25 meters, being 12.5 meters of fast swimming, a rest of 20 seconds and the remaining half of the distance with easy swimming, to enjoy 20 seconds of recovery again. This routine has a one-minute break and is repeated three times. Afterwards, it should be smoothed out with 200 meters.
A long workout that follows the same pattern, but increases the meters or reps, is this 3,000 meter workout. His warm-up is made up of a 250-meter freestyle, a 500-meter technique and a 250-meter freestyle, followed by 12 sets of 12.5 intense meters, and the same distance at low intensity, with a 20-second recovery.
Immediately, five series of 50 meters follow: 25 intense and 25 easy; while the last two rounds are 100 meters, equally divided, with their respective breaks of 20 and 45 seconds. To finish, the smoothing is 100 meters, with 300 technical and 100 soft.
Anaerobic power training
The demand of this practice is intense, so, in a distance of 1,500 meters, the warm-up is 150 free meters, with 250 technical and 150 free, which will be complemented with three rounds of four series of 25 meters, with intervals rest of 45 seconds, and a long recovery of one minute between each section. In addition, it softens with 400 meters.
Also, this training can cover a distance of 4000 meters. In this sense, it would be a warm-up of 250-meter freestyle, 300-meter technique, 200-meter freestyle, 300-meter technique, and 250-meter freestyle.
Then follows a block of 12 series of 25 meters, 5 repetitions of 50 meters and another 5 of 100 meters, to continue with 12 runs of 25 meters and 5 more series of 50 meters. All of them, with breaks of 45, 75, 120, 45, and 75 seconds respectively, while the smoothing is 300 meters, 500 technical and 300 soft.
All of these workouts help improve endurance, speed, and power. Of course, it is necessary to have the advice of an expert and to carry out a good swimming warm-up beforehand, in order to avoid injuries in the development of swimming training for bodybuilding, when swimming front crawl or with any other style. In addition, it is important to have a swimming watch, which allows you to monitor your performance.