
DuckDuckGo: What it is and how it differs from Google

Giving up privacy when browsing the internet is inevitable, however, it is possible to minimize the amount of information collected by large companies that make money from personalized ads. One of these options is to change the browser to use the one offered by DuckDuckGo.

They say that what we publish on the internet will never be fully recovered, since nothing is completely deleted if it is already on the web. Because of this, people are becoming more cautious with the photos they upload and the things they say on social networks; in an attempt to maintain your privacy. 

However, these days, you’re not just giving apps rights to things you publish to them. In reality, websites, in an attempt to make more money, are finding ways to profit from the confidential information that you knowingly and unknowingly give them.

Your location, your age, your gender, your network of friends, the sites you’ve visited and even what you enter into a search engine is important material for large companies. For that reason, websites collect these details and sell them so that these companies can show you ads that, if successful, will convert you into a new customer.

Google, for example, is among the best search engines and is the most used in the world. However, this one is also known to use the same information gathering tactics.

What is an internet search engine?

The web is an extremely big place, so finding what you need without help is practically impossible.

Internet search engines are software that, after the user enters some keywords, analyze and collect all the information in order to show results according to the person’s needs. All this is done in a few seconds.

Each new search you make, in most search engines, is stored in a history and, in this way, a record of your preferences, interests and other information begins to be kept.

Sometimes this can be a good thing, as it’s a way of automating things. For example, next time you won’t have to type everything, because you’ll already have an autocomplete suggestion. However, it is also bad to give so much information about yourself to third parties. Fearing this and looking for better privacy , thousands of users have wanted to find another search engine other than Google and, fortunately, there are more and more options.

For example, the founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, surprised the world by admitting that he does not use Google to perform his searches. In fact, he has repeatedly recommended the DuckDuckGo search engine, which is progressively gaining more users.

The Great Duck Seeker

When comparing DuckDuckGo vs Google, it is easy to see the difference in their conditions.

When you visit Google’s security page you will find that “to improve its services”, the company will collect data on searches carried out, ads clicked and even videos viewed. For its part, when you go to the official DuckDuckGo page you will be able to read that they are characterized as just a search engine .

If you use DuckDuckGo in Spanish and search for, for example, “ True Instinct Reviews ”, you will realize that you will not have any type of advertisement at the end of your search. Even if you don’t use incognito mode. 

This is because the company’s philosophy is to return control of privacy to users, so they do not collect data. Having no information from people, they have nothing to sell to advertisers. Thus, all activity carried out on the website or in the application is completely anonymous.

You don’t need to have a specific router or use a certain type of browser to be able to use this search engine, as Duck is compatible with conventional browsers like Firefox, Safari and even Google Chrome. You only need to download the extension.

In addition to all this, the application can be downloaded on Android and Apple devices as well. It is recognizable because it is a search engine with a duck as a logo, which is quite peculiar. That way you won’t make a mistake when it comes to getting the app.

What else does this search engine offer?

Although the amount of information stored by the Google search engine and all its associated applications is known, this company is still a leader in the market. In some cases, this is because Google offers other features such as searching for images, documents, news, among other things.

However, DuckDuckGo has not been far behind in terms of innovation. In fact, its list of qualities is so extensive that it makes it a worthy rival to the giant Google . Thanks to this, it will not be necessary to carry out multiple downloads to have specialized software for each aspect, since you will be able to find everything in one place.

With this search engine you can access information about the weather, get the latest news and sports results, search for images or videos, use the calculator and the stopwatch, get your next flight, enter the shopping section and, finally, you can use the maps tool to find addresses that may interest you.

If you wish to have more specific results, then it will be possible to filter the results by location and also by language. That way, you will avoid finding information that is not relevant to what you need.

Finally, the search engine also allows for more comfortable navigation, since you can change its appearance at your convenience. Being really simple to apply the dark mode so as not to bother your eyes.

It is almost impossible to have a 100% private online activity, especially if you are someone who enjoys social networks; however, with alternatives like DuckDuckGo you can effectively limit the amount of information they can collect about you . This will undoubtedly offer you safer browsing for your computer and, of course, totally anonymous so that you feel more comfortable when browsing the Internet. The best thing is that, to use it, you won’t need to give up other characteristic qualities of the most popular search engines.

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