The 10 alternative web search engines to Google

Google is the search engine most used by Internet users when making a query or searching on the Internet. However, although it may seem that the company monopolizes the market, the truth is that there is a wide variety of alternatives that you could review if you need another search engine, apart from the already well-known Google.
Among the best Internet search engines, Google is an option that is far ahead, reaching a percentage of up to 79.4% of all searches made through the Internet.
This is probably due to the fact that it was one of the first search engines on the Internet and, over time, it has been able to update itself to meet the requirements of increasingly demanding users on issues such as security, interface, intuition and interactivity.
However, you should know that there are many safe internet search engines that can provide you with a quality service that is up to par, and even better than Google. Despite its popularity, this search engine and its original browser have several flaws that still cause problems for Internet users today, such as excessive RAM consumption, for example.
In this sense, you should know that the difference between a browser and a search engine is that the former is an external program that is installed on the computer to, well deserved the name, browse web pages. For its part, the second is a page itself that offers directory functions, to be able to do quick searches on the web using keywords or phrases.
The combination of these elements should generate smooth performance, but on some computers, mainly laptops (by clicking this link you can find some options to buy) with little memory, the use of the Chrome browser with the Google internet search engine may require a lot of computer resources. system, slowing down its operation.
10 alternative search engines to Google
Whatever your needs to do without Google services, below, we will indicate several search engine options that offer striking advantages for many consumers and that you could try, to see if they convince you to become your main search engine:
Among the types of search engines, Bing is another one that most resonates among netizens when looking for an alternative, and that is that many companies and manufacturers install it as a native search engine, as it belongs to the Microsoft giant. This search engine is simple, intuitive and its results are as effective as those offered by Google.
2. Yahoo!
The search engine Yahoo! It is one of the best known on the list and, probably, the fiercest competition that Google has had for several years.
Nowadays, it is still disputed which of the two is better, mainly considering the fact that Yahoo! is much more than a search engine, taking advantage of its ability to offer access to email, shopping, game downloads, real-time news and much more on its portal. In addition, it allows the customization of its interface with different themes and colors, according to your preferences and visual comfort during the day or at night.
3. Ecosia
Now we find an alternative in search engines whose main characteristic is its ecological section. This project ensures that 80% of each commission generated by the consultation is directed to a project for planting trees in South America. They also use renewable energy to function and to date, the initiative had managed to raise more than 1 million euros.
4. Duck Duck Go
DuckDuckGo is another well-known search engine, mostly for its quality of privacy. This engine takes advantage of the proxy capacity, to avoid data storage and thus not display personalized search results.
5. Yandex
This search engine is making more and more noise, since it has reached the figure of 150 million daily searches as it is the most used by Russian netizens and, furthermore, it is the native search engine that is incorporated together with the popular Mozilla Firefox internet browser, obviously, in its version for Russia.
6. Baidu
Baidu is the most used Chinese search engine in that country. It was founded in 1999 and has a design quite similar to that of the Google search engine, offering results for news, songs, images and many other multimedia documents.
If you prefer to opt for new technology, we advise you to try Qwant, a search engine of French origin that stands out among the others due to its way of producing results, since it is capable of dividing them by category, to make it easier to navigate to the specific page that is Looking For.
8.Start Page
Keeping the line of search engines that focus on protecting the privacy of their users, we now present StartPage, a server that makes use of anonymous proxies, to be able to browse safely without the risk of pages storing random data.
On the other hand, it should be noted that, among its services, StartPage also has a URL address generator, so that each user can browse without having to configure the behavior of cookies, helping to avoid unwanted advertising. As for customization, it allows the application of themes and night mode, for your convenience.
9. Metager
MetaGer is a search engine for those who prefer to keep everything they type online private. This engine is based on the Privacy Protected Search & Find scheme, which guarantees anonymity on the network.
It is a project carried out by a non-profit group and they use ecological energy, for each search carried out, avoiding generating negative impacts on the environment due to the consumption of their services.
We are faced with a web search engine that ignores the filters generally used by more popular alternatives. This search engine offers you uncensored results, allowing you to access much broader content in comparison.
In addition to this, Gibaru also protects your privacy during searches, thanks to the utility provided by an anonymous proxy.
In this sense, it could be the best option if you want to do searches like nikoro reviews or anything you need without fearing that possible results will be automatically eliminated.