Create the right ecosystem in the aquarium according to the fish species

An aquarium is a good option when you want to have pets that do not require so much care, but fish are also an alternative if you do not have the space conditions in the house to have dogs and cats. As if that were not enough, the aquariums and fish tanks create an environment conducive to tranquility and relaxation. However, not all fish can adapt well to the artificial ecosystems of any fish tank, so in this article we will talk about some aspects that you should take into account before adopting a fish as a pet.
First of all, it is important to know that some fish are more aggressive than others, so it is not recommended that you put several species in the same tank. In this sense, it is of great importance to try to balance the presence of the different fish, to avoid inconveniences between them and to keep them healthy. Some are prepared to live together and are usually easy to find in pet stores, such as goldfish, guppies, ballerinas, molly, cardinals, betta, neon fish, colisas, clown fish, danios, angel fish, nuns, cuchas, discus fish., eat algae, tetra, shark fish, zebra fish, goby, koi fish, sky gazers, among many others.
All these species have a good appearance and bright colors, so they are the first ones that we want to acquire. However, some species such as algae-eating fish and bettas cannot live together, as the former generally attack the nests of the latter, which may lead to fights. It is of great importance to take this into account, since the fish tank can become a stressful environment and the consequences could be fatal.
Also, you should not have more than one male betta fish in the same tank, since there are often disputes over females and territory. In this case, it is best to have between 5 and 6 females, but only one male. On the other hand, algae eaters, cuchas and otocinclus should not coexist with discus fish, because they tend to eat their skin.
Types of fish, their different habits and lifestyles
Like any other living being, fish have different organs that work according to the place where they live, so when designing an aquarium you should consider whether you want to have freshwater or saltwater fish, from there, you can plan the conditions and dimensions of the aquarium, as well as the type of food and accessories.
Freshwater fish are easy to find in pet stores, and the ecosystems they need to live aren’t too complicated to recreate, so they might be the most practical to adopt. In the case of saltwater fish, the opposite occurs, because it is more difficult and expensive to create the salinity conditions of the water, as well as the appropriate PH so that they have an adequate development.
Warm and cold water fish
It is important to establish the differences that exist between warm water fish and cold water fish, in order to create an appropriate environment in each case, which would imply the installation or not of a heating system that maintains the appropriate temperature for their survival.
Coldwater fish are generally less conspicuous because they have few colors, but they also require less care, so they are easy to care for. On the other hand, warm water fish require dim lighting and ample space inside the fish tank for greater comfort, in addition, they are more colorful and attractive species, so they could stand out within the decoration of the fish tank.
The most appropriate size of fish tanks and fish
If you want to have the best fish tank of the moment, it is important to establish what dimensions it should have based on the number of fish that are going to live in it, so you must remember that regardless of their size, all fish require space to grow, develop and move comfortably.
It is recommended that you calculate the necessary space according to one of the most commonly used rules for this, we refer to the liter of water for each centimeter of fish. This rule is based on the size of the fish when it is already an adult, which will allow you to have approximate measurements, however, you must also take into account the space occupied by the accessories.
Likewise, it is important to consider that the overpopulation of fish and the lack of regular hygiene could cause diseases, due to the accumulation of dirt and impurities in the water and the accessories included in it.
Importance of diet and nutritional content
Fish need a specific type of food to live fully, which means that they must consume organic, animal and vegetable matter. In this way, when an aquarium is shared by different types of fish, it is good that you take into consideration the amount and type of food that you are going to serve in each meal.
In this case, you should know that each species has its own nutritional needs and frequency to be fed, for example, some aquarium fish are fed by a wide range of specialized products, with formulas carefully elaborated with proteins and natural fats, to de this way meet your needs. These are usually crushed and processed to simplify the digestion process, but also for optimal food preservation.
On the other hand, there is a group of fish that are raised in ponds and are the ones that receive complementary type food, which consists of products derived from agriculture or terrestrial plants.
Consequently, when you think about acquiring a fish tank, you should know the characteristics and needs of the fish you select, to be sure to provide them with the right environment and food for their correct development and good health, since an error in this regard can be lethal. for your aquatic pets.