Speed limits in Spain

In Spain, each type of road has minimum and maximum limits to drive on them and it is important to be very clear about what they are if we want to avoid fines and the loss of points on the driving license. These are the new speed limits on the main types of roads in Spain.
Many times, when driving on a road where there is a lack of signage, it is normal for you to ask yourself: on this road, at what speed is it allowed to drive in a car? The most common is that, if you are not sure at what speed you can drive, do it at the minimum speed of a conventional road.
Although it is not always easy, it is important to know what the maximum and minimum speeds at which you can drive on each type of road are to avoid fines and the consequent loss of points on your driving license. In this sense, it should be borne in mind that in 2020 the maximum speed at which you can drive on various types of roads, especially secondary roads, was updated.
This information is included in the General Road Regulations and, to keep you informed, we detail below what are the new speeds at which you can drive in Spain.
The speed limit in Spain
In Spain, there is no single speed limit, since this depends on the types of roads, as well as the vehicle with which it is circulated, since a car will not have the same limit as a special vehicle. To know this information, any driver has a table of limits of Spain at the speeds of the DGT, where they can consult them.
In this sense, for passenger cars and motorcycles that circulate on highways and motorways, it is 120 km per hour (Km/h), while the minimum speed on highways is 60 km/h, which is why tractors and mopeds are prohibited from driving. traffic on these roads.
As for road speeds, for a passenger car the speed on a conventional road without a hard shoulder is 90 km/h, while for roads with two directions of traffic separated by some physical barrier it will be 100 km/h. On the other hand, for unpaved roads, the maximum speed will be 30 km/h.
In addition, a motorcycle or a passenger car may exceed the generic maximum speed for overtaking by 20 km/h, but only on conventional roads, never on highways, motorways or urban roads.
And on urban roads, what is the maximum speed allowed for motorcycles? The answer is 50 Km/h, which will be the same for cars and vans.
Maximum and minimum speeds for special vehicles
In Spain, the maximum speed, in general, for a special vehicle is 80 km/h. When we talk about special vehicles we refer to buses, caravans and school transport. In this sense, the maximum speed on highways and motorways for these vehicles will be 100 km/h, while for conventional roads it will be 80 km/h, regardless of whether they have separation between the two lanes or not.
As for unpaved roads, the limit will be 30 km/h, the same as for cars and motorcycles.
trucks and vans
The maximum speed for trucks and vans on highways and motorways is 90 km/h, while for highways it will always be 80 km/h, whether or not they have a physical separation between the two lanes. On unpaved roads, they must also circulate at 30 km/h.
Why have traffic speeds changed?
The new speeds set by the DGT’s General Traffic Regulations have reduced the speed differences between freight transport vehicles, special vehicles and passenger cars. This change is due to the fact that vehicles that travel at very different speeds tend to cause more accidents, in this sense, several studies in the countries with fewer deaths on EU roads have shown that a difference between 0 and 10 km/h at speeds, they reduce accidents.
New speeds, new fines
Due to the entry into force of the new speeds, when driving on a road for cars above 91 km/h, the penalty will be 100 euros. However, it must be taken into account that the radars have a measurement margin of up to 70 Km/h for mobile radars and 4 Km/h for fixed ones, which means that there is a speed margin in which the fine can be appealable.
In addition, from 121 Km/h the fine also entails a loss of points. In this sense, up to 140 km/h two points will be lost and above 170 km/h it will be considered a crime, which can lead to the complete loss of the driver’s license and even jail.
It’s important to be aware of all these penalties, which can increase if you test positive by blowing into a breathalyzer during a routine roadside check.
So far, everything you need to know about the new speeds on all roads in Spain. If you want to avoid fines, you just have to remember the information that we have collected in the article and follow the indications of the different road signs.
Finally, if you are one of those people who spend many hours behind the wheel, we recommend that you stop from time to time to stretch your legs and rest, as well as take food supplements that keep your muscles in the best condition. In this sense, the best creatine will help you maintain the elasticity and muscle strength necessary to spend many hours on the road.