Top 9 exercises to strengthen and define the biceps

The biceps are the muscles that usually have a lot of aesthetic importance, because they are more exposed to view in the area of the arms. These muscles are one of the favorites to train for men, because they tend to be related to the force they are capable of lifting. In fact, when doing exercises with weight, this muscle tends to be defined, so it is aesthetically attractive in the upper body of the body.
Execution with technique
Biceps exercises are usually simple and with techniques that are easy to master. But either way, poor execution can lead to injury, so some precautions need to be considered.
When doing any exercise, tension must be maintained in the area being worked on. The same should happen with the biceps. In this case, the tension allows proper posture to be maintained and other muscles such as the shoulders not to be involved. In this way, there will be a more focused and effective work on the muscle.
Also, when weight is loaded when doing biceps routines, it is necessary to take care of the position of the wrists. This part of the body can be easily injured and prevent you from continuing with the set or general training. Injuries are usually caused by flexion movements in the prone and supine grips, leading to hyperextension of the wrists.
The posture of the back should not be arched backwards or forwards, but kept straight. This is because the spine tends to be one of the parts of the body that suffers the most from poor execution of exercises and incorrect posture when executing them. In this sense, a bad technique, accompanied by an incorrect weight can cause sway compensation. In other words, this leads to arching of the lower back, leading to hernias and muscle discomfort.
9 exercises for biceps
In the comprehensive training routine, one of the days should be reserved for the biceps exercise. Next, let’s review nine of the most functional and effective exercises that can be done with the help of a barbell and dumbbells, to exercise this important muscle of the arms.
barbell curls
This is a basic and popular exercise modality for biceps. To execute it, you must stand and hold a bar with both hands, shoulder width apart. Next act, the elbows are bent trying to bring the bar to the chest and then the arms are stretched. For the movement, the elbows must be kept firm and close to the ribs.
Sometimes, due to excessive weight, a simple exercise like this can lead to poor posture and shoulder injuries due to rolling and arching during movement. Also, the lower back can suffer from incorrect balance during the lift.
Overhand Dumbbell Curl
This exercise is similar to the previous one, but the specific difference lies in the way of gripping the bar. For this modality, it is necessary that the palms are facing out, that is, the grip must go out. With this grip, during the flexion of the elbows, the hands should face the ground. With the exercise, the biceps are worked, but there is also work on the forearm.
hammer curls
Two dumbbells are required for this exercise. Each one must be held with one hand and it is important that the weight is according to the capabilities of each individual. It is usually the exercise that is executed towards the end of the biceps training routine, because it pumps the blood better and makes the muscle grow. Dumbbells should be held one on each side of the body in a parallel position. Movements should be made up and down at low or medium speed, as if you were hammering.
barbell row
Rowing is usually an exercise that is included in back routines. However, making some variations in the grip is suitable for biceps. For its execution, a supine bar grip is required.
concentrated curls
The exercise is practiced sitting on a bench. You should hold a dumbbell and make that same arm rest on the inner part of the thigh. Next, it is necessary to execute the movement through the flexion of the elbow. As you go up, the dumbbell should reach your chest. It is necessary to maintain a straight posture of the back.
spider curls
This exercise is unconventional, but effective. For the execution, a bench is required where the person must be placed face down, with the backrest at an inclination of 45 degrees. That is, the arms should hang outside the backrest. The bar should be held prone or supine and bend the elbows trying to bring the bar as close to the backrest.
This is not a casino card game. This exercise for the biceps is named after the total number of repetitions that must be executed in each of the three mini sets. First, do seven repetitions of the exercise standing with your shoulders shoulder-width apart and holding the barbell prone. After the miniseries, another seven movements must be made forming an angle of 90 degrees, that is, a short elbow bend. The following seven exercises are made up of classic curl repetitions.
Dumbbell Zottman Curl
It can be done sitting on a bench or standing. The grip of this exercise is dual, admitting both prone and supine. Both integrated in the same exercise. Once seated on a bench, hold a dumbbell on each side of the body with a prone grip, and as the phase of greatest contraction is reached, the grip moves from prone to supine with a twist of the wrists.
Scott Bench Curl
The user should sit on the Scott bench and hold the bar with an overhand grip, bringing the bar as close to the chest as possible, then re-extend. The movement must be slow, avoiding jerks.