What is Body Pump?

The Body Pump is a training modality that is here to stay, as it offers comprehensive muscle conditioning in each routine carried out, in addition to adapting to the different needs of people, so it will benefit both those who want to lose weight and those whose purpose is to gain mass.
If you are looking for a training program that will allow you to burn fat, gain mass, tone muscles and gain endurance, then Body Pump classes are a good option. It is a type of group exercise that incorporates weights, whose duration can vary between 30, 45 and 60 minutes.
Its popularity was immediate and, after its creation in 1991, this method began to be available throughout the world. In fact, there are more than 17,500 sports training clubs in 100 countries, according to data recorded in 2015.
The classes are usually quite dynamic and intense, as they are performed to the sound of Body Pump music and incorporate weights and some gym elements. In addition, the movements focus on the different muscle groups, performing multiple repetitions with different execution speeds, according to the needs of each individual.
Body Pump: Class development, benefits and recommendations
If you have heard about Body Pump classes, it is possible that your curiosity about this type of sports practice has been aroused, so you will be interested in knowing a little about its methodology and benefits provided, as well as some recommendations that could be useful to you. Of great usefulness.
Development of the Body Pump class
The development of this type of training begins with a Body Pump warm-up or first track, in which all the parts of the body are prepared for the work that will be carried out later. Also, for this stage a fairly light weight is used and the sets of repetitions are short. In this way, it is possible to avoid any type of injury to the muscles, tendons or ligaments, due to the cold start of the body.
Afterwards, the Body Pump exercises will continue with squats, quads, hamstrings and glutes, using a heavy load. In fact, according to experts, it should be the biggest load of the entire workout. A body pump bar is used at the level of the back and under the neck.
The third track is dedicated to the chest, specifically the pectoral area, supported on a step and with a bar. Also, push-ups are usually done. In this opportunity, the weight should be approximately 1.5 times greater than the one used during the warm-up period.
The next group of muscles to work is the back, executing movements that involve lifting a bar above the head and the well-known deadlift; while, in the next track, we will train the triceps with dips, vertical extensions and push-ups. All of them using bar or weights, depending on your level of strength.
The fifth track of the Body Pump workouts focuses on the biceps, with the execution of elbow bends in a vertical position, to continue with the lunges of the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps.
Thus, we will be able to start the sixth track of the practice, in which the protagonists are the shoulders and whose movements to carry out are the frontal, lateral and overhead elevations, in addition to the push-ups.
At the end of the class, we have the abdominal group, whose exercises usually vary. We will be able to do planks, crunches, obliques, among other movements aimed at strengthening said area.
Once the exercise program is finished, the last track is dedicated to stretching. This phase may seem unnecessary, but thanks to it, we stretch the muscles and tendons, offering them a feeling of relaxation.
5 benefits of Body Pump
Breaking with a sedentary lifestyle and getting moving is the main benefit of Body Pump, just like any other sports practice. However, this system of group exercise with weights, as Body Pump is called, offers the athlete a series of positive aspects for health. Among the benefits of the body pump we can mention the following.
fights osteoporosis
Its positive impact on health, according to studies, indicates that the Body Pump helps strengthen the bone system, slightly increasing bone density.
Posture improvement
When working with weights and bars on the back, it is necessary to remain upright during the execution of the movements, which, over time, forges a correct posture in the individual, in which the natural curvature of the spine is respected.. Thus, it is possible to avoid pain in the back and lumbar area. In addition, aesthetically we will have a slimmer appearance.
Burn fat and gain mass
Those who wonder if the Body Pump slims or gains weight, will be interested to know that with this practice the perfect combination is achieved, since it not only helps to burn accumulated fat in the body, but also allows the gain of muscle mass. This is because each performer has the option to vary the weight of the load and, therefore, the intensity applied in each of the movements.
Let’s remember that, if we want to widen the muscle, the movements must be slow and carrying heavy elements; while, to burn adipose tissue, the movement implies more speed.
Recommendations to follow
The practice of Body Pump leads to compliance with a series of recommendations, initially set forth by the creators of the training modality and promoted by its followers.
The first thing to take into consideration is the issue of posture, for which it is recommended to keep your back straight and your legs slightly bent. In addition, there is the correct selection of the weight, since not all movements can be executed with the same load. Thus, we will avoid joint injuries, at the level of the tendons, and tears.
The theme of rest is also highly recommended, because the body cannot be overextended. After each executed routine it is prudent to rest one day. In this way, the muscular work will be used to the maximum.
Another important recommendation is to complement the Body Pump with the same number of cardiovascular sessions. Likewise, you must keep track of your heart rate, the duration of the work performed, the number of steps taken, the calories burned, among other data. For this, the indicated thing is to acquire a device capable of carrying out said measurements. In this sense, the market has several models of smart bracelets.