
Learn to place a new thread to the fishing reel

To achieve the fishing of more and better specimens, it is necessary to replace the line at least once a season. In fact, in fly fishing, different types of lines are required to optimize the cast. Therefore, it is common to put a new thread on the spool to avoid wear and knots. 

If you enjoy fishing and do this activity every season, you should know that from time to time it is necessary to replace the line on the reel, both to avoid wear and tear and to be able to get better specimens from the water. Although it can be a process that has its technique and takes time, it is not complex, but some steps must be followed that vary according to the type of rod and reel. We will review some of them below, so you can learn how to properly place a new line on the fishing reel. 

For spinning and baitcasting reels

Spinning reels are probably one of the best fishing reels of 2022 and replacing the line on these models is relatively easy. In them, you will have to open the crossbar and lift the wire arm, which is the small piece that comes out of the spool. So the line must be raised to open and then lowered to close. Also, unwrap any old fishing line in this area.

In the case of baitcasting fishing reels, they are not equipped with a crossbar, so the new line will have to be threaded into the guides. To start, it should be done from the far end of the rod, in order to go through the line in all the loops towards the reel. 

tie the line

To continue, you will need to knot the line on the spool, so that you will have to wrap the end of the line over it, right at the notch in the center, and then return the end of the line towards you and make a knot of type arbor.

close the crossbar

The next thing will be to close the crossbar. For this, you have to pull the wire arm in order to block the line. If the knot in the line comes undone, the crossbar will need to be raised and done again. 

Identifies the address and starts the adjustment

The process continues by turning the handle of the cane. In this way, you can know the direction in which the crossbar rotates, since the line will have to be loaded in the same direction. Next, the reel of the new line will have to be dropped to the ground, the label will have to point upwards and the position of the rod will have to be adjusted, in order for the line to load properly. 

One way to do this part of the process well is to know where to stand. So, if the crossbar is turning to the right, it is recommended to stand to the left of the reel, to wind the line to the right. If you have a baitcasting rod, the next step is to thread a pencil onto the reel while another person holds it.

The technique of the process

To proceed, the line should be held firmly between the thumb and forefinger. To do this, it is recommended to use your free hand while holding the rod with the other. In addition, constant pressure must be exerted on the thread. If the line is taut and does not tangle, it is being fastened correctly.

Rotation between 15 and 20 times 

The spin of the reel while holding the line has an estimated number for your execution. The recommendation is that it be rotated between 15 to 20 times, in order to load the line on the fishing reel. In addition, it is necessary to always pay attention to the line. In this way, knots will be avoided. 

Recommendations in case of knots

In the event that knots are generated, the thread must be unwound a little to solve the problem and continue with the process. To certify that there are no knots, you must release the line and verify that, when falling, no loops are formed. To continue, the line must continue in the direction of the crossbar to maintain its loading process. 

Charge up to the limit

The right thing to do to continue is to load the rod reel until it is almost full. To do this, press the line with your index finger and thumb, in order to keep it straight. Then, you will have to turn the crank and load the line until there is very little space left. The line should be about 3 mm from the edge of the spool and that is when it should be cut, in order to detach it from the new spool.

Secure the line with a band

Finally, a rubber band should be placed around the line on the spool to hold it in place. On reel models that have tabs on the sides, you can wrap the line around it to keep everything in place.

And for fly fishing reels?

For fly fishing, more than one line is required, so it is necessary to acquire a first coil of line made of fluorocarbon or some type of monofilament, which will work as the main piece. 

Likewise, it is necessary to acquire a backup coil, which is usually heavier and inexpensive, for weights between 9 and 13 kilos and about 6 meters long. Next, you will need to tie the backup line to the frame and load the line in the same direction as the reel is turning.

Fishing is an entertaining activity that can be enjoyed for hours, but it certainly requires patience and also strategy, as well as the knowledge of some techniques to set up the necessary equipment and tie the knots, as this will be the guarantee that the day is positive.

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