Ptilla pilla

When children play tag, they are not only putting their body muscles into action, but they also have to think agilely to react to sudden changes in direction and speed, developing faster reflexes and cognitive ability. children.
There is a certainty that children all over the world have once played chase with each other just for fun. In Spain, this game is known as pilla pilla or tula and in most societies it has become a typical childhood activity . The pilla pilla in English is called tag, but in some areas of the United States it is also called tick or touch. As far as Central America is concerned, it is known as enchanted, you are, or I simply touched you. Also, you take her is a game that can incorporate an object to distinguish the pursuer from the other players.
How to play Pilla Pilla?
Basically the rules are the same in all versions of the tag game: one child must chase the others trying to tag them. Once he succeeds, the chased kids go on to hunt down the rest of the players until there are none left. Therefore, the last child is the winner of this game of tag.
On the other hand, in most of the variations, the children usually have total immunity to the touch of the pursuer if they are supported on surfaces of wood, iron or some previously agreed color. In the same way, you can play pilla pilla with the ball and the child who has it is not affected by the touch of the pursuer.
Brief history of the pilla pilla
This activity has proven to be an infinitely adaptable and changing game over the centuries. Its origins in popular culture date back to the early 17th century, at which time it first entered the written records of Great Britain. However, in the 2nd century the Greek writer Julius Pollux described a 2-team game in which a projectile was spun and when it stopped, the group the object was aimed at was chased by the opposing team. At that time, tag-a-tat was not yet popular for children, but was played by adults.
In the 19th century it was so popular to see children playing tag, that one of the most popular phrases in world culture emerged, such as “knock on wood”, which indicates that the person is safe or free from evil.. On the other hand, it is important to mention that although in kids’ tag games there is only one pursuer, in most later versions the role changes.
Probably the best-known variants of taga-taga are freeze , mud-stuck, and enchanted, games that became popular in the 1970s and 1980s. In these variations of the game, chased children must remain in the same position they were in when they were touched, either partially or completely immobile. Afterwards, they must wait for their partners to release them from their immobility, either with a touch or by going under their legs or arms.
Depending on the time and place, in some chase games children pretend that the chaser has a disease that is popular for the time, for example, fleas in Spain, plague in Italy, gloomy fever in Great Britain, leprosy in Madagascar, among others. others.
4 versions of the game Catch the game
- ghosts in the garden
This variant is one of the most fun of the tag-team games for adults and children, as it is often best played at night to increase suspense and adrenaline . In principle, a person who will be the ghost and a meeting base are chosen. To start the game, the ghost must hide while the other players search for it. When the ghost jumps out of hiding or someone finds it, players must try to run to the encounter base to protect themselves from the ghost. It is important to mention that the touched person also becomes a ghost and the game starts again.
- band-aid pilla pilla
This is one of the most popular chasing games, as in this case all players can catch and be caught. When a child is tagged, they should put one hand on the area of the body where they were tagged and try to tag someone else with their free hand. However, if caught again, then the imaginary wound must be touched with the remaining hand. Therefore, although he can keep running to save himself, he can no longer touch anyone else. If he is touched one more time, then he is sent to the hospital, where he must serve a penance to heal and return to the game.
- hot dog catch
Tagalog is such a versatile game that it can even incorporate simulation elements. In this case, the people who are touched must lie on the ground with their legs together and their hands glued to the sides of the body, pretending to be a sausage. To free the player, other children must drop next to him in the same position, forming a hot dog. It is important to mention that during this procedure the pursuer cannot touch the other players, since they are immune to his powers, making it one of the most creative tag games.
- Duck Duck Goose
It is one of the most popular versions of pillapilla. To play, the children sit in a circle facing inward. One of the players must walk around the outside of the circle blindfolded, touching each child saying duck until he decides to say goose. At this point, the blindfolded child takes off the blindfold, assumes the role of the chaser, and begins to play tag while the other children run.
It is important to mention that this activity can help children develop their motor skills , improving balance and control over their own body. Children can practice the tag game from the moment they are able to run effectively, in this sense, the tag game can be a good option if you do not have a toy for children of 4 years.