
How to clean the bathroom?

Cleaning the bathroom is a very important task, not only to maintain the hygiene of the home, but also to offer a clean space to the family and guests. To make the task less tedious and complicated, it is recommended that you know some tips on how to clean the bathroom.

Cleaning the bathroom can be easier if there is some organization of the elements. In this sense, we can start by tidying up and clearing the bathroom, since in this space it is common to find towels, dirty clothes and a wide variety of hygiene and beauty products that could make cleaning difficult.

Once the space is organized , you can start cleaning the toilet, the taps and the shower screen, which are the most difficult points. It is good to leave the floor and mirrors for last. Otherwise, product and water splashes during rinsing will force you to clean the floor and glass again when you finish. After cleaning the bathroom, you can carefully vacuum all the corners once the floor dries, to remove all traces of hair, dust and other small dirt. 

It is worth mentioning that humidity allows the appearance of mold and limescale. In this sense, the best product to clean the bathroom may be white vinegar, as it helps to quickly restore shine and eradicates bacteria from surfaces.

We offer you some tips to clean your bathroom in a short time and thoroughly.

1. Descale faucets bleached by lime

It is not easy to get rid of scale when the taps have been left uncleaned for a long time. To restore them, it is possible to mix vinegar with other products, thus creating a powerful substance against lime stains .

Initially, you should heat a cup of white vinegar for 30 seconds in the microwave. Afterwards, you have to moisten a rag in the vinegar and rub the taps. If the stains are resistant, then you have to submerge the different taps in the hot vinegar using a container that can be adapted to their respective shapes.

If you don’t have a suitable container, you can use a bag filled with vinegar and secure with a rubber band or string to the edge of the faucet. Then, you have to leave it on overnight and finish cleaning the next morning, rubbing the surface with a sponge sprinkled with baking soda. The final step is to rinse with plenty of plain water.

2. Clean tile joints

Cleaning with a mop is not always enough to remove the dirt embedded in the joints of the tiles, so, to clean them thoroughly, you should pour two-thirds white vinegar into a bottle with a spray dispenser. Then fill the bottle using warm water and add two tablespoons of baking soda . Now, you just have to shake gently to mix the ingredients and spray the joints with the substance. It is necessary to wait 15 minutes and then brush the surface with a disused toothbrush.

3. Clean the bathtub and toilet

If you are wondering how to clean the bathtub and you already know how to clean the toilet with vinegar, then you just have to mix half a cup of white vinegar with 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Afterwards, it is necessary to apply the mixture with a sponge on the entire surface of the bathtub and the toilet, to leave it to act for about twenty minutes.

At the end of this period of time, you have to rinse with tap water. It is important to mention that the bathtub must be cleaned at least once a week to always keep it in good condition . In addition, this type of cleaning prevents the appearance of bad odours, fungi and bacteria on the surface. As for the toilet, if you are wondering how to clean the embedded dirt in the toilet, it may be necessary to use the toilet brush to more effectively remove the dirt that usually accumulates in the joints.

4. Keep bathroom drains unclogged

Bad odors sometimes rise from bathroom pipes. This is due to the accumulation of dirt in the drain. In this case, white vinegar is a great solution to eliminate bad odors. The first thing to do is pour vinegar into a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda, and add a little lemon juice to the solution for added effectiveness. For the next step, you just have to pour the mixture into the pipe, wait ten minutes and pour hot water to rinse and unclog.

5. Clean the bathroom sink

It is possible to clean the sink without much effort or waste of time, you just have to place absorbent paper over the entire sink and put hot vinegar on the paper. Afterwards, it is necessary to wait 30 minutes, remove the paper and rinse with plenty of water. On the other hand, if your sink has persistent stains, then you have to rub with a brush and baking soda, since it acts as an abrasive , being able to remove dirt.

6. Clean the bathroom floor

Cleaning the bathroom with vinegar is an effective way to combat limescale and mold. In this sense, acetic acid can act as a bactericide, antiseptic and descaling agent . To clean, add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and 2 tablespoons of baking soda to a large container filled with hot water. Now, you have to mix everything up and use this solution to mop the entire floor. On the other hand, it is necessary to mention that vinegar does not leave an unpleasant smell, but it disappears when the surfaces have dried completely.

7. Mirror polish

Due to humidity, dust and frequent spraying of products in front of the mirror, it is possible for the mirror to get dirty quite quickly. However, you can easily clean the mirror with the simple mixture of water and white vinegar. In this sense, you can add half a cup of white vinegar to half a cup of cold water and transfer the substance to a spray bottle, to spray the mirror and clean it with paper.

To finish, it is necessary to mention that the bathroom is perhaps the most used room in any place and, due to its use, it is usually a very humid area. For this reason, hygiene and cleanliness become fundamental aspects. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the bathroom at least once every 15 days to maintain a sparkling clean bathroom.

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